Summer is finally in our back window which means hunting season is in full swing across the country! While everyone is looking forward to cooler temps and fall weather, prepping for epic hunts, and packing their hunting gear, our teams are also still covering miles on the road as we wrap up fishing events nationwide. But no doubt, we’ve been looking forward to hunting season, so we’re still getting hunts in between these fishing tournaments.
Like many other fall seasons, we are testing new products, making new friends in new hunting camps, as well as spending time with old friends at our camp. Throughout this issue, as well as shared across our social media, you’ll find reviews and launches of new products from our partners, items you’ll need in the field and why they are must-haves, and of course, some winter boat care tips.
Looking ahead, we’re excited to be working with Ranger Boats and Yamaha to rig out a new Saltwater Boat. We’ll be on the big water soon looking for some exciting big fish catches. We’re also climbing up in tree stands in Kansas with our Yamaha Outdoors partners in the coming weeks, and testing out new products from our friends at TenPoint Crossbows and Smith & Wesson – so all in all, we’re busy in the outdoors, loving every minute of it, and will bring you more hunting tales and product reviews soon.
Happy Fall, Happy Hunting!