
Garmin acquires Active Corporation
SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland & CASTINE, Maine-Garmin Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRMN) yesterday announced that it has acquired Active Corporation, a developer of crowd sourced rich content for boaters, marketed as ActiveCaptain™.
ActiveCaptain is a…

Fishing Kentucky Lake and Lake Wilson
Filmed on both Wilson Lake in Alabama and Paris Landing on Kentucky Lake Americana Outdoors takes a look at fishing in a variety of weather in this episode. You’ll see action on the banks of Kentucky Lake with emphasis on lipless crankbaits…

Mike McClelland Talks Garmin Quickdraw Contours
Now you can instantly create HD fishing maps on screen with 1-foot contours of nearly any body of water. You don’t have to send anything in and wait — results appear instantly on your…

Fishing Suspending Jerk Baits and Jigs From The Winter To Summer
Want to learn more fishing suspending jerk baits? How about flipping a jig in the dog days of summer? Then this episode is tailor made for you as we'll join Clark Wendlandt multi time FLW Angler of the Year as he fishing Lady Bird Lake in…