
Team Adams/Adams Wins IFA Redfish Tour Championship at Venice, Louisiana
Team Adams/Adams Wins IFA Redfish Tour Championship at Venice, Louisiana
IFA Redfish Tour championship event pays out more than $111,000
NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – Jimmy Adams and Angela Adams, both of Sarasota, Florida, weighed four…

Team Beglin/Gobbett Wins IFA Redfish Tour Event at Georgetown, South Carolina
NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – Rob Beglin, of Pawleys Island, South Carolina, and Eric Gobbett, of Georgetown, South Carolina, weighed a two-fish limit that totaled 8.03 pounds to win the final regular-season event for the Atlantic Division of…

Spencer Wins IFA Kayak Fishing Tour Event at Port Aransas
Kayak angler takes home $1,400 in winnings
NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – Fil Spencer of Corpus Christi, Texas, measured a combined limit of 49.00 inches to win the first regular-season event for the 2019 Texas Division of the IFA Kayak…

Team Alexander/Alexander Wins IFA Redfish Tour Event
IFA Redfish Tour event pays out more than $42,000
NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – Monica Alexander and James Alexander, both of Aransas Pass, Texas, weighed a two-fish limit that totaled 17.44 pounds to win the first regular-season event…

IFA Redfish Tours Open Season at Jacksonville, Florida
NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. – Inshore anglers from across Florida and surrounding regions will converge at Jacksonville, Florida, February 16-17, for the season-opening events for the Florida East Division of the 2019 IFA Redfish Tour Presented…