Venison Taco Chilli Soup
by: Angel Middleton
1 pound whitetail burger grind
1 pound whitetail pan sausage
1 large white onion diced
1 red bell pepper diced
1 green bell pepper diced
1 16oz bag of frozen corn
1 8oz can creamed corn
1 8oz can black beans
1 8oz can pinto beans
1 McCormick’s taco seasoning (Hot)
1 Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packet (Ranch Dip)
1 16oz container organic beef stock
1 16oz Rotel diced tomatos (Hot or Regular)
2 Tbsp Sriracha sauce
1 Tbsp Cajun seasonings
2 cups water

Sweat the onions and bell peppers for 5 minutes on medium (I use an 8 quart pot). Add whitetail burger grind and pan sausage. Once meat is browned add in all other ingredients and bring to boil. Remove from heat and let simmer for 30 minutes. Serve with cheddar cheese, sour cream, cilantro or whatever your heart desires. This freezes nicely if you want to reheat a meal for deer camp. Enjoy.