Team HIVIZ Success at IPSC Rifle World Shoot

Laramie, Wy – It was a successful weekend for Team HIVIZ shooters, Jerry Miculek, Lena Miculek, Lanny Barnes, and Becky Yackley at the 2019 IPSC World Rifle Shoot held in Sweden, August 3-10.
Jerry Miculek took first place in the Open Semi Auto Super Senior Division. For the Ladies, Lena Miculek took home the Silver Medal followed by Lanny Barnes with Bronze and Becky Yackley in 6th place in the Ladies Open Semi Auto Division. The 3 ladies teamed up with Ashley Rheuark who placed first in the match to bring home the Gold in the Ladies Team event.

Over 600 shooters from 37 countries took part in the Rifle World Shoot. The largest national teams were represented by countries such as, Sweden, Norway, Russia and Germany.
The International Practical Shooting Confederation was founded in 1976 as a shooting sport and today recognizes all the main shooting disciplines – handgun, rifle shotgun and action air.
IPSC also emphasizes procedures for safe gun handling and strict adherence to the rules governing the sport. In IPSC courses of fire, the results are calculated by dividing the competitor’s target score by the time taken to complete the course of fire. The shooter must be the most accurate and fastest to win.
About Hiviz Shooting Systems – Hiviz Shooting Systems’ vision is to improve the art of shooting. Whether it’s in the field, at the range, or for personal defense, our carefully engineered line of sights and recoil pads are designed to help shooters experience the thrill of outstanding marksmanship. HIVIZ Shooting Systems manufactures high quality Fiber-Optic Sights, tritium sights, recoil pads and accessories for the shooting industry. For further information regarding HIVIZ products, visit the company web site at
Media Contact:
Sandi Landskov