Is the Garmin XERO Legal in Your State?
Most Frequently Asked Questions About the Garmin Xero
Ever since the Garmin Xero bow sight came into the hunting world a lot of people had the same question, “Is this sight legal for me to hunt with?” To help figure out what states you can and cannot hunt in with the Garmin Xero, here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the legal use of the Xero A1 and A1i bow sight.

Does the Garmin Xero Bow Sight project visible light on the target during use?
No, the Xero Bow Sight projects only infrared (non-visible to the human eye) light onto the target as part of its laser range finding function.
Can the Garmin Xero Bow Sight ever be used to project visible light towards a target?

Does the Garmin Xero Bow Sight use illuminated pins?
Yes. The Xero Bow Sight uses light emitting diodes to present the pin for the shot onto a piece of angled glass. Light from this diode is then reflected back towards the eye of the archer.
Does the Garmin Xero Bow Sight provide a magnified view of the target?
Is the Garmin Xero Bow Sight similar to a scope?
No. Scopes provide magnification. The Xero Bow Sight does not. The glass used in the sight is for the reflection of pins to the eye only. There is no magnification provided.

Does the Xero Bow Sight enhance vision to the target in dim or night conditions?
No, the Xero Bow Sight cannot illuminate the target. Only the aiming pins are illuminated. The infrared light used by the Xero is only used to range the target. It does not illuminate the target.
Is the Garmin Xero Bow Sight a “Laser Sight” or “Red Dot Sight”?
Those terms are typically used for sights that emit a human eye visible beam of red light to the target. The Xero Bows Sight’s laser range finding functionality only emits invisible, infrared light. The pins, which are visible to the hunter, are only projected towards the hunter’s eye.
Is the Garmin Xero Bow Sight legal for a certain state?
The Xero A1 & A1i bow sights are legal to use in the majority of the United States. It is the responsibility of the hunter to know the specific bowhunting regulations for their state and hunting region. Garmin does not publish the bowhunting regulations for each state as they vary and can change from year to year. We hope this article has answered your questions in regards to the legality of the Garmin Xero Bow Sight. ALWAYS review your desired state’s bowhunting regulations to confirm if the Xero A1 or A1i are legal to use.
Happy Hunting!