
Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter, Full Year Fiscal 2020 Financial Results
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), one of the world's leading providers of firearms and quality products for the shooting, hunting, and rugged outdoor enthusiast, today announced financial results…

Outdoor Action TV: Thompson/Center Compass II Rifle on Deer Gear TV
San Antonio, TX – On a new episode of Dear Gear TV they debut the new Thompson/Center Compass II Rifle! They take an in-depth look at all the features packed into it and showcase their experience with it in the field. They’ve…

Performance Center Lightweight T/CR22 rifles
Performance Center T/CR22 rifles feature lightweight stocks and carbon fiber barrels
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Performance Center announced recently that it has expanded its rifle line with the addition of four new lightweight .22LR rimfire…

Thompson/Center Arms Bolt-Action Lineup for 2020
T/C® rifles to showcase new, crisp Generation II trigger, scoped combinations, and upgraded features
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Thompson/Center Arms today announced that it has introduced an extensive centerfire rifle lineup for 2020 to include…

Thompson/Center Hunter-Level Sponsor of 2019 Wyoming Women’s Antelope Hunt
In 2016, Thompson/Center Arms donated ten of its Venture series .243 rifles to the Wyoming Women's Antelope Hunt. This generous donation has enabled the Wyoming Women's AntelopeHunt to confidently provide loaner guns to participants each…

Thompson/Center Arms T/CR22 with TRUETIMBER Camouflage Pattern
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Thompson/Center Arms today announced that it has expanded its line of T/CR22 rimfire rifles to include the popular TRUETIMBER STRATA camouflage pattern. Now available in six different finishes, the T/CR22 rifle is expertly…

S&W Ships Three Millionth M&P Shield Pistol
Smith & Wesson Ships Three Millionth M&P Shield® Pistol
Millions have chosen to Shield themselves since 2012
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. –Smith & Wesson announced today that it has produced and shipped over…

Smith & Wesson Donates $20,000 to HAVA
Pictured left to right: Tom Taylor, HAVA Chairman; Lane Tobiassen, President of Smith & Wesson.
Funding supports hunting, shooting activities for disabled veterans, wounded active duty personnelSPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Smith & Wesson…

T/C’s LRR 6.5 Creedmoor Tops July GUNS Magazine
Long-distance performance is within (affordable) reach thanks to the Performance Center Thompson/Center Long Range Rifle (LRR). Chambered in today’s hottest rifle cartridge, the T/C LRR 6.5 takes top billing in the July issue of GUNS…

Thompson/Center Arms Adds Rifle Stock Options to T/CR22 Rimfires
Starting in May, the Thompson/Center T/CR22 rifle will be available with a traditional hardwood stock as well as a Magpul® composite stock in a Flat Dark Earth (FDE) Black Grit finish.
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – Thompson/Center Arms…